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Sunday, January 3, 2010

James Patterson's Alex Crosses Trial

So at first look you think AC is on trial right well soooo wrong. Don't feel bad I was so there with you. Then after I read the topic I was like maybe I will skip this one but then I thought nah u know u live JP and he can write his butt off so give it a chance. Well I did and let me just say LOVED IT. First the book is written by ALEX CROSS have you even heard of such a thing a writer who writes a book from the perspective of one of his book characters I was like wow I knew JP has to many things going on in his head which is what makes him a great writer but I would have never thought. Well anyway the book is by AC like I said and the story is one that has been passed down thru his family about his great grand father and a lynching case from after slavery and it is a whopper. Now I do not recommend this book for people who get upset about this kind of thing cause JP is a very creative writer and images can get graphic but if you can take it it is a very good read even for HS kids who can get some of what it was like to live in that era whoa I am so glad I was born when I was cause I would have def been in a tree b4 my time
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